Winter is fast arriving and our equipment use is slowing down. Here are some tips I follow in managing my clients equipment so they will be ready for spring:
Conduct annual service between November and February each year. It is good to stick to a date every year and use some help in remembering by establishing a Google Calendar reminder or using a whiteboard in the barn to record the dates.
Change the fuel filters on your gravity fed gasoline and diesel tanks. Use a sharpie and write the date on the filter.
Add fuel treatment in all equipment and storage if you’re not already doing so. The fuel will go bad and will cause $$$ for repairs. This is cheap insurance. You better off draining things like chainsaws and weed eaters but if you cannot, be sure to put the treatment in and run the equipment (small and large) 5-10 minutes. If your equipment is not being used at all, I like to make sure I run each piece of equipment every 2-3 weeks.
Lastly, for those tech savvy, there are plenty of apps on the market to help keep all this straight. I’m using a basic one called TickTick to make my checklists and reminders. Link down below: